If homosexuality is a sin (i.e. an intentional, moral deviation from God's ways), why do people become gay? Many "gay" people claim that they did not choose to become gay. However, there are plenty that do acknowledge that they did choose to be gay.
There are several reasons:
Confusion. This is the fastest growing reason for becoming gay, due mostly to societal influence and the homosexual agenda. The truth us, EVERYONE has homosexual thoughts, however, NOBODY is born thinking these thoughts. Indeed, most of us experience it pretty early in life. Now, there may be just as few "straight" people who will admit that they've had homosexual thoughts before as there are "gay" people who admit that they chose to be gay. However, it is what it is. You can either conclude that because of this, ALL people are born gay. Or you can conclude that NOBODY is born gay. Either way, the confusion factor comes into play when young people have these thoughts and immediately tell themselves: "Gasp! I'm gay!" and begin to affirm that as their identity.
Most people, when they think of perverted things, such as having sex with a family member, or having sex with an animal, or having sex with a small child, these thoughts are repulsive, vile and disgusting. Yet, for some reason, in a few people these thoughts are not rejected, they are focused upon and meditated upon, becoming an obsession until the thoughts are manifested out in the form of behavior.
The same thing occurs with the perversion of homosexuality. For most people, they have been instructed by their parents that all sexual sin, including homosexual sin, is immoral, and therefor should be avoided altogether. Thus, when these homosexual thoughts come, they are quickly rejected. However, that is occurring less and less these days, because people, not having a solid foundation with their parents (specifically their fathers, and especially their Heavenly Father), are simultaneously being taught that "It's natural, it's OK..." and so instead of rejecting these perversions, they embrace them. For many, their decision to bond their homosexual thoughts to their identity is then (often times) rewarded (via extra attention they'll receive when they "come out") and thus, psychologically, they have "learned" that being "gay" is good, it works for them.
Abuse. I believe that the number one reason for homosexuality stems from sexual abuse. In boys, if they are abused as children, (as many, many studies have shown) they are likely to abuse others in the same way. This patten of perverted dysfunction bleeds out into other areas of life such as intimate relationships. Many people don't have a positive model for successful relationships, and therefore only KNOW HOW to relate to others in a dysfunctional manner.
Addiction. As far as I know, this is a less researched reason, but I mention it more so because of my personal experience. Every "gay" person I've ever known has been addicted to both drugs and alcohol. I believe this is the catalyst that numbs their inhibitions to the point where they can ignore their consciences' and reasonings. The decision to transition from 'homosexual thoughts' into 'homosexual behavior' causes tremendous inner turmoil. By numbing the senses with drugs and alcohol, the perversions are often manifested and, sobriety becomes a bitter, painful experience.
Is there a cure for gayness?
Yes, a very simple one. Keep your pants on.
Doesn't your own 10 commandments read DO NOT KILL. Penalty of death for being gay? I may not agree with homosexuality, but it gives me no right to impose my values forcibly upon other. Christianity as a lot of amoral concepts in the bible. Read anything on the same page as the widely quoted Leviticus verses. You will read many types of punishments for various act that are violent and inhuman. This is why the Bible is partly evil. Promotes the death penalty... These are not healthy morals and values.
Um... nobody is forcing any values on anyone. It's all simply a matter of choice.
However, I'm simply exposing some lies and rooting out a few misconceptions in order to silence those who try to pretend that homosexuality is condoned in the Bible.
(You see, there are many people out there trying to say that homosexuality is not a sin, so I decided to prove otherwise).
Bestiality is a sin too, and if people ever try to condone that and seek to marry their dogs, or whatever, stating that the bible says it's "ok", I will take a stand against them too. I simply must.
But the penalty for ANY SIN is death, according to the book of Romans, not just homosexuality. And every single one of us is guilty. From the moment your're born you start to die. But because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, God is willing to let that one good deed outshine all the bad deeds for those who believe, and we are forgiven and made right (not-guilty).
Regarding the bible being "evil"... You have misunderstood, it appears. The old testament (old contact) is a type/pattern for the new testament (new contract). It's actually quite fascinating if you care to research and study it.
The bible is one gigantic historical account of God's patience, even in the light of such horrible human behavior. He gives, we take and destroy, He gives again, we take and destroy. He gives us a chance, we blow it...
If anything, God is the most patient and kind being imaginable.
Step outside of yourself and see things from a bigger picture, and I think that will help you to understand better.
Consider this: Imagine 20 years from now if society is broken down and police are nowhere to be found...
If a gang of cruel thugs invaded your neighborhood and began murdering and tormenting people, including members of your own family and children, would you not fight back? Would you not organize a force to eradicate and destroy these people?
The point is, your perspective about what is or isn't "healthy morals and values" changes based on your circumstances. In the fragile state of Israel during that period, any lack of discipline was rapidly exploited and they risked destroying their entire civilization! (God wasn't willing to allow that to happen.)(Even when Moses went up the mountain for a few weeks, they fashioned some golden calves and began to worship them, stating that these statues were the gods that saved them from Egyptian slavery! They were a MESS.) Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sometimes, like in Leviticus, the hard way is the only way, and in the end, it worked.
The freedom that you so richly enjoy has been paid for buy these same violent and "inhuman" acts that you now speak against, acts of bloody murder in the name of war. But tyranny must be thrown down with violence. Oppression must be stomped out with deadly force. Societal threats must be contained. It would be nice if there was another way that was more diplomatic, but it has simply never been the case when dealing with terrorists, ever since the beginning of time.
You think you can sign a peace treaty with terrorists? It could change for the better in the future, who knows? I hope it does.
I really can't argue much with your post based on the fact that we fundamentally have different values.
But the example of terrorist killing and raping... What does that have to do with gays? Gays aren't killing my family. Being gay is just a sexual preference. Has there ever been a gay man who happened to be a terrorist, or a terrorist who happened to be gay? Are ministers in the church... men of god who are gay, or gays who are men of god?
One really has nothing to do with the other. If you preach love, but your method is violence. Then your preaching becomes contradictory to your actions. Did Israel need extreme measures to maintain its state of civilization at the time. Probably yes... But this does not inherently imply that it was a civilization worth preserving in its totality.
If a group of terrorist came into my community and tried to kill me, I would probably try to kill them back. Eye for an eye. But gays aren't trying to kill me... What are gays doing to me? Simply being gay? They aren't harming me... why would I harm them?
Killing a man for being gay?
Gay... definition: "Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex." this does not specifically imply a sexual act. If you have gay thoughts or are partially attracted to the same sex, that would make you "partially gay"... well bisexual to be more specific. But then again, this is only a bad thing if you want it to be. Or if an entity like the church ambiguously convinces you it is.
I'm not gay... but I find nothing threatening from the mere existence of a gay person as a neighbor, or a neighbor who just so happens to be gay. The reason I speak in their defense is very poetically put into words by a famous philosopher:
"In Germany they came first for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, but I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade-unionists, but I did not speak up because I was not a trade-unionist. Then then they came for the Catholics, but I did not speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak up."
-Rev. Martin Niemoller
I'm not gay, but I speak up for them none the less.
Furthermore, the trampling of their freedom to be gay without fear of persecution is equally a trampling of our freedom as well, if in chance we would discover ourselves to be gay.
And by the way. Bestiality? Gay relationships are between two consenting adults. How does bestiality enter the picture as an argument is a mystery to me? Is it because they are both ambiguously "sins" in the bible? Gay and straight relationships are equally as close to bestiality. This was an argument also used by racist when speaking against inter-racial relationships.
A straight man having sex with a female sheep. A gay man having sex with a male sheep. Both are same bestiality... so why does the bestiality topic always comes up when people speak against gays is just absurd ... and in a way reflects the creepy inner working of your train of thought.
I would highly recommend a good read from Friedrich Nietzche. But if reading his raw text might be too much of a chore, at least read a few select quotes from his books.
Either you are trying really hard to not comprehend what I'm saying, or you skipped over major parts of the writing.
It doesn't have anything to do with gays, as you would know if you had read it, but it was in response to your misunderstanding about the bible, thinking that your PERSPECTIVE, viewed through the lens of YOUR circumstances, and what YOU opine to be moral or not, is a valid standard to which GOD HIMSELF, and HIS WORD, should be held to. The sheer arrogance is preposterous!
Homosexuality is a perversion, bestiality is a perversion... (do you see the correlation now?) There's nothing absurd about drawing the connection, it's simple logic. Both acts are depraved, unnatural and therefor wrong. I agree with the CREATOR of the Universe on this one, but even if I didn't understand, I'd pretty much have to take HIS word on it, since HE made all the beings, HE get's to make all the rules.
How many universe's did you create today? Go create your own universe and make your own rules if you don't like the ones God made.
Look, I've heard, and defeated, all these canned arguments before. It's actually a little boring to hear it all over again. Besides, I can see right through your strategy to twist my words in order to try trip me up. They did the same thing to Jesus Christ.
Nietzche was just as blind and deceived as the other "Patriarchs" of the Atheist Religion. HE's a fool spewing nonsense. Why would I want to fill my head with such poison?
I would recommend you read the book of John.
I fully comprehend your argument, but they stem from the blind, childish and arrogant belief in an invisible bearded man in the sky pulling the strings in the the universe. Did God heal amputees? Guess not. Was it because he had a "special plan" for them. Or would it make more sense that God is just simply a figment or your imagination. Jesus Christ, probably another made up myth, just as Apollo, Hercules, or Poseidon.
Not only that but you indulge in spooky rituals such as drinking wine to represent the blood of Christ. I don't care how symbolic you want to be. That clearly has some sort of Pagan origins. If any other religion we're to do that, they would be seen as Satanist. But for some naive reason, you are an exception.
Put to death for being gay? What type of barbaric inhuman silliness is that? And who mind you decides in God's name to carry out such a sentence? A man? A mortal man? Can mortal man be wrong? Can mortal man be forcing people to do has he wishes through fear of penalty of death? If that is not forcing, then what is? "God" gave men free will, but he punishes them before they die? That's not free will, that's a malevolent trap.
Sadly the none-existence of God and the anchored dread in your mind of it being true leads you to produce excuses on "his" behalf. Why doesn't he just speak for himself.
Me: God, let me know your real!
God: ...
Me: Are you deaf?
God: ...
Me: Should I argue with a blind "notsoblind", harborer of your illusion, to prove your existence?
God: ...
Me: Is all the misery produced by people fighting in your name justified?
God: ...
Notsoblind: It's all part of his master plan.
Me: Are you hiding?
God: is Away (Automatic message)
Me: God you suck.
God: ...
Me: I'm just talking to myself aren't I?
God: ...
Why doesn't he ever do anything? Because he is just as imaginary as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
The Bible (as well as the Book of John) wasn't written by divine inspiration, it was written by silly old men in rags thousand years ago and put together in a cave. (It really was, look up Constantine's conquest of Rome and the aftermath)
They write silly things such as:
"Leviticus 18: And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people."
Hmm. Cast away for menstrual sex? Maybe that isn't so practical these days, with all of this modern medicine and hygiene discovered by... oh my gosh... can it be... he's not gonna go there is he... you bet I am... Science!
So can it be that the Bible has a practicality expiration date. Then it's not very perfect is it? But alas... Does that mean that the Bible is just as regular as any other book written by man? Men have begun to outgrow such silly fairy tales and begun to think by themselves. Mankind is growing up, and such fantasies and bedtime stories are only useful to teach young children. But my canned arguments will never hold up against your spiffy one-liners.
I leave you with this quote... which you will probably read superficially and dismiss it on the ground that you can't possibly be wrong because you have "God" on your side.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
God has revealed himself to me. He speaks to me daily. I am sorry that you choose to not hear Him. He guides me in deeply important areas and critical decisions and whenever I accept his leadership, it always turns out great. I FEEL his LOVE.
Should I pretend He's imaginary so that you feel more comfortable about the issue?
But more evident than the logical proofs, are the tangible effects of God's existence.
You have a problem with some 3000 year old law. OK. Jesus came to fulfill that law. In other words, He came to say, whatever the law required, I am fulfilling the requirements on your behalf. And guess what, whatever punishment or penalty is due, well, I'll go ahead and take care of that as well.
God does heal amputees. There are documented cases.
It's like trying to prove that wind exists to you when you've never been outside.
ME: Look at the wind blowing in the trees.
YOU: There's no such thing as wind... those trees are just moving by themselves.
ME: oh, my bad. You're clearly an expert here.
YOU: I'll quote Ignoramus Fascistus who said " If I can't see the wind, no one else can either, so I am right and everyone else is wrong... and they are arrogant for thinking I am wrong."
ME: Wow. Such a stunning display of your intellectual prowess! You have certainly shown me that my primitive superstitions about the wind being "real" are only foolish ramblings used to control people! By the way, what's my horoscope for today? Can we have gay sex now? I'll bring my dog.
Joking aside, I know how you feel. I once believed as you do. But after what I've seen and been through, there's no way I can possibly deny God's existence. So why should I?
God is an omnipotent being of pure love and infinite power. Why would he have a "beard"? You should read the bible sometime, I mean REALLY read it with an open mind, rather than basing this critically important judgment on cracker-jack theology that some 2nd-rate teacher indoctrinated you with at some point in your public education.
Well your crack at witty dialog has its moments. But it forgets the fact that logic does not make assumtptions. So the use as wind is a terrible example for you argument. My response, if in absence of knowledge of wind, would have probably been:
"Prove the existence of wind to me and I will accept it."
And if and when you did prove it to me, I would accept it as fact. That is the way science works.
Nobody should make assumptions. Because when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME (that would spell out ASSUME for those readers with poor reading skills).
Tho to emphasize my disgust toward your post on atheism and the constant use of such barbaric homophobic words of hate in the bible such as those in Leviticus. My beef is not with the philosophical idea of God. To each his own... But that any man has the right to impose any kind of penalty over another man based on religious interpretations is sickening... thats why the United States incorporated the Bill of Rights. And on an international scale Human Rights in general. To stop religious fanatics from practicing they're own form of punishment on other human beings based on what a book such as the Bible says. Sadly, lots of people have been beat to death in a street ally just because they we're gay. Do you agree and promote this behavior? I hope not. Because if your own "God" doesn't punish you for murder in the afterlife, there is a tiny little cell in State prison reserved just for killer who commit hate crimes.
I have read the Bible... it preaches love and hate, tolerance and intolerance, violence and peace all the same. Far from a book I would ever consider praising.
And if you have anything against public schools, that is your own ignorance speaking out of your ass. Public schools serve those who may have not the means to seek any other education alternatives. This by no means reflects intelligence, but rather personal finance.
I went to private school and voluntary went to math/science centered boarding school after much work and sacrifice from my father who paid for my tuition. Graduated with honors and soon graduating with honors from college with the help of full-paid scholarships. I dare not even fathom what your upbringing had in store for you.
And I almost forgot...
"God does heal amputees. There are documented cases."
I am highly skeptical of this claim. I hope you mean heal amputees emotionally... Because I doubt there is any documented case of a regrown arm or a leg. Any references? REFERENCES. The medical community and the whole world would be awestruck by such a finding. The mass media would go into a frenzy... and the prosthetics industry would go bankrupt.
alejandro: "I have read the Bible... it preaches love and hate, tolerance and intolerance, violence and peace all the same."
I'm not sure which bible you read, but it clearly is not the same one I'm talking about.
My Bible, says this:
Regarding the "preaching" of hate as you call it:
"But if you are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you." + Luke 6:27
and also...
"The people of the world will hate you because you belong to me, for they don't know God who sent me."+ John 15:21
"Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good." + Romans 12:9
Regarding "violence and peace":
"Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible." + Romans 12:18
"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." + Romans 14:17
Read this: Romans 1:29 (in context).
So, you're saying that you've read all that in your bible? And you still hate Christians?
Fact: The quotes you wrote are found in the bible. Some of them have their charm and I particularly agree and enjoyed reading Romans 12:18.
Fact: These following quotes also found in the bible...
Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests:
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
Kill Witches:
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
Kill Homosexuals:
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
Kill Fortunetellers:
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
Death for Hitting Dad:
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)
Death for Adultery:
If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
Death for Fornication:
A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)
Kill Nonbelievers:
They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)
Kill False Prophets:
If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)
David's Punishment - Polygamy, Rape, Baby Killing, and God's "Forgiveness" (2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB):
Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives [plural] while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'
Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die." [The child dies seven days later.]
Slaves Are Property:
When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)
And this one is a whammy. I'm not going to even try to interpret this one. It has caused enough controversy already.
But before you read, consider this... even if you decide that this following quote is misunderstood. Why would the Bible write something so easily misinterpreted that it could be used to advocate violence in the name of Jesus?
The Prince of Peace?
(Jesus speaking) "Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword. For I have come to set a man 'against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's enemies will be those of his household'". (Matthew 10:34-36 NAB)
Not very compatible with Romans 12:18 is it?
And by the way...
Not once did I mention hate towards Christians. I disagree with many Christian beliefs. But never hate. I also agree with some Christian philosophy as well (such as that Romans 12:18 quote). Christianity is a human creation just as any philosophy on the face of the earth. It has its pros and cons. It's not perfect, but it isn't totally imperfect either. In its totality it's just kind of... mediocre.
I understand now what you are basing your conclusions on, and it's based on a lack of understanding that's very common today... I can try to help you.
Let's see... For starters, all of the quotes (except the last one, which I'll get to in a moment) are from the Old Testament. Why is that important? Because the word "testament" is like our modern day word for "covenant" or perhaps even "contract"... So, the bible has the Old Contract, and the New Contract.
The Bible is essentially a Legal Document which outlines the terms of an agreement that God made with humans. (A Last Will & 'Testament', per se, in which the the heirs (the Children of God) receive the inheritance (The Kingdom of God). But when someone leaves a Will, it's not legally binding until that someone dies first.)
When Jesus came, he "fulfilled" the requirements of the Old Contract, and He also settled the debt of sin by all who were bound by it.
You see, everything in the Old Contract is a "type" or "shadow", a form of symbolic foreshadowing which all points to the coming of a future "Messiah". Example: An animal sacrifice used to purify sin in the Old Testament, whereas in the New Testament, Jesus served as the ultimate sacrifice, once and for all, and purifies all sin.
In a previous post, I already explained that those punishments you quoted, while admittedly harsh and "barbaric" by today's standards, were necessary for the fulfillment of God's Plan.
Each commandment is not designed to control us, but to help us live better, happier, fuller lives, according to the way we were designed. It's when we get away from those "rules" that horrid things start happening... on an increasingly disturbing level.
God has a plan, like a string of dominoes... and if the Israelites (Jews) were not dealt with so strictly by God, they would have basically self-destructed, and in fact almost did anyway, and their "domino" effect destiny would not have tipped over the next sequence of events in the chain reaction that is God's Master Plan. Everything has it's time and purpose.
On the flip side, these people had harsh laws, but they also had extreme benefits, such as prosperity and favor in economic and militaristic pursuits, as well as the fact that (perfect and Holy) God traveled with them 24/7 in a visible pillar of fire. To sin against him, in His Direct PRESENCE, would warrant a just punishment.
Now, regarding Matthew 10:34-36: First you should know that most of the Jews believed that the Messiah, which all the Old Testament pointed to, was coming to bring peace and paradise, heaven. Since their nation was conquered and subsequently occupied by Roman forces, they believed the Messiah was coming to deliver them from Rome and eliminate all evil.
But that was not God's plan. His plan from the beginning was to provide a way for ALL people to have access to Him.
(Incidentally, that is why the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, they misunderstood God's plan. This, sadly, set a man 'against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law', just as Jesus predicted).
Jesus is the Prince of Peace, though, for sure in my life, in fact He is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords", but not on Earth, in Heaven (AKA the spiritual realm), see? Therefore the peace he gives is not talking about "non-war". As long as there are evil men in this world that is controlled by Satan, there is going to be war. But the Peace Jesus gives is different. It's far greater and better, and more individualized. Inner Peace is one of the most valuable acquisitions worth seeking.
Since you were a Catholic, you might not understand this, but most religions, including Catholicism, believe that you need to have a MAN act as your link to God... whether a priest, or shaman, or whatever. But the Bible teaches that we should have direct access to God... and there is only ONE WAY... through Jesus Christ.
That's the New Contract - simply believe in Jesus, and you've fulfilled your part of the bargain.
The Bible is unlike any other book in existence. It records hundreds of prophetic predictions which come to pass with stunning accuracy. Some of them 2300 years later, for example, with the formation of the State of Israel in 1947. No other book or religion can make that claim. No others even come close.
Death is a part of every life. It's not the end, it's the beginning. "LIFE" is something too wondrous and powerful to have happened by accident.
There are dead churches and there are dead religions, traps that people get stuck in... but if you find one with LIFE, and there are probably some Spirit-Filled Churches in your area, then you will never doubt the existence of God again, because you'll have met him, and felt him, and you'll KNOW him.
So you agree with the manner of which people stoned their children to death for being rebellious in the Old Testament. You speak of all this being meant to help us live better, happier and fuller lives? I wouldn't say that kid who got stoned to death lived at all... much less better and happier.
Even in the book of Matthew, Jesus continually damn whole cities to perish.
Matthew 10:28:
"Fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Jesus tells us to fear God. Fear God? Why fear him? Is he not only love and peace... Why would I fear him? Shouldn't I only fear Satan? This is just another scare tactic to convert people based on using terror. Oh wait... Someone who uses terror to manipulate people. Isn't that called a terrorist?
Matthew 10:37 "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."
Jesus warns us not to love our parents or children too much. We have to make sure that we always love him (who we don't even know existed) more than our family.
Matthew 24:37 "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
If you believe in Jesus literally, you must also believe Noah Ark story and believe LITERALLY that God drown the whole world... umm, did I hear something resembling a genocide?
Even in Romans 1:30 It says that those who are disobedient to their parents are worthy of death. That would be quite convenient for child abusing parents don't you think?
In 1 Peter 1:20:
"Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you" It speaks that Jesus' death was planned since the creation of the world. Wouldn't that mean God knew everything that was going to happen in the world since the beginning of time even before he created the Tree of Knowledge? If he knew; then why did he create the opportunity for men to commit the original sin in the first place? It's like setting up a cruel trap inside a fish tank or a birdcage while knowing that sooner or later the poor pet will eventually trigger it.
About the Bible prophesy coming true... lots of prophecies, from other religions and prophets outside the Cristian society, come true as well. Just read Nostradamus. But does that demonstrate actually prophecy or luck? Convenient interpretation of vague statements to accommodate actual events is a sure-fire way to believe anything as prophecy.
Not only do the quotes I pointed out awful examples of God's "love". The book of Revelations is one of the most macabre things I've read ever; this text alone make me disagree with the Christian God and Jesus. Kill nonbelievers and send them to hell? I'd rather go to an imaginary hell that pray to the idea of a cruel, unjust, unmerciful and manipulating God that would damn a man such as Gandhi (a nonbeliever and an advocate of freedom and non-violence).
The Bible has been continually used as an instrument to fuel hate and suffering. Convince the women ("witches") of Salem that God would save them... Spare the molested boys in church the explanation that their pedophile priest is spreading the word of God. Or revive all the innocent people killed by the Crusades and then tell them God is all-loving.
The idea of God has fueled unmeasurable suffering. I will not pray to a God who does not warn people who commit genocides in his name that they are just misinterpreting his teaching. Why speak to some and not to other? Well maybe it's that there is no God at all and we have all been fighting over are simply interpretations of the tooth fairy story.
Your constant defense of death as a suitable penalty for non-violent crimes is disturbing. Get your morals in check, don't end up killing innocent people thinking your doing God's will (as so many have historically done already).
This nice short video is an entertaining watch:
I almost forgot... If you say that the Old Testament is obsolete, then the 10 Commandments are as well. If the Old Testament is NOT obsolete, then Leviticus is still as relevant as ever. You can't pick and chose which laws to keep and which not to keep. God's law is not open to your approval... law is law... or is it?
Even the New Testament ORDERS the keeping of the old law:
"It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17 NAB)
Even Jesus himself contradict your interpretation of the Old Testaments contractual validity:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17 NAB)
Don't think your understanding of the differences between the two Testaments after Jesus' death is open to debate:
"Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God." (2 Peter 20-21 NAB)
Death onto people for various stupid reasons is still as literal as it ever was in the Bible. For that reason; The Bible is bullshit.
Your argument about the Old Testament being a void contract in some way has some holes in it. Your bucket is leaking some holy water. *intercom crackling overhead - "Clean up in aisle six!"
Good words.
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