Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Atheist or AntiChrist?

As I was looking though the Blogger's Choice Awards' lists of nominees, I came across a post in the "Best Religion Blog" category that caught my eye: Atheists.org/nogodblog

This was interesting to me for two reasons:
  1. Atheism IS a religion. I have been saying it for years. Thankfully, now this truth is starting to catch on. Although I'm the first person I know of to accurately label atheism as a religion, there are probably others who realized it long before I did.
  2. This blog contains nothing about atheism. Every post, every word, is ANTI-CHRISTIAN. I find it very interesting that the very thing they are trying to do, disestablish the Bible's Truth, they are actually supporting because the Bible predicted nearly 2000 years ago that an Antichrist spirit would increase in the world, particularly in the days before Christ's return.
Now, it's one thing to disregard the spiritual aspects of Jesus' message, and deny his claims to be sent from God; and instead, to simply settle for the proven fact that a man named Jesus made it into the history books by spreading his message of love, forgiveness, peace and freedom, while simultaneously healing ailments that our modern day doctors have yet to touch, such as blindness. But to actually come out against such a positive message, aggressively, with malice and hate, can only be attributed to a negative force that goes being rational thought and reason: Antichrist (a spirit which later manifests itself as a world system in a position of global rule).

Have these kids asked themselves this question: If my religion is focused on hating a positive message, can it be a classified as a "good" religion, or must it be "evil"?

Chances are, they have not. At least not seriously. Which is a shame. How can one claim to have an "open" mind when they refuse to even consider alternative viewpoints to their own. This is closed-mindedness at it's fundamental worst.

The blog is interesting to read, however, and often times humorous (ex: a photo of the Pope which uncannily resembles the evil Emperor Palatine from Star Wars. ) I especially found the comments interesting. In one example, a commenter accuses the blog poster of politicizing a tragedy to further his own agenda, a trademark of poor taste. Another poster retorted by calling the commenter a "rationally-challenged fool" and claiming that he didn't understand what he meant. Other posters chimed in with further ridicule.

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