Monday, July 23, 2007

The Atheism Conspiracy

There is a worldwide push to eradicate any and all historical references to the world's Creator. They are called "revisionists" and they have a single agenda: Rewrite History, and this time, leave God out of it.

There are alliances, networks, clubs, groups, and individuals who are working toward this goal day in and day out.

Are you ready for this? The World Wide Web is their breeding ground.

They are everywhere. They are nowhere. They are the typical pot-head, alcoholic, unemployed slob, living on welfare or in their parent's basement. Fat, bad breath. Stained shorts. You may catch a glimpse of them when they open the door for the pizza guy. You may see them at the Bar late at night. Alone. Online, they have brutal alter-egos, ready to lash out at society, blaming everyone ELSE because they are fat and lazy.

In their own minds, they are brilliant debaters who the world should be indebted too. After all, they've logged more hours playing WarCraft III than you've worked in this decade! They know how things need to be run and the world's leaders, who have earned their positions, should get in line and take advice as to how the world should be run. They name themselves "darklord" and "evil1". But in reality, they are insecure, immature and depressed. They are plagued with an entitlement mentality. They are losers.

How do I know all of this? Simple. I used to be just like them. That's how.

That's also how I know about there main competitive advantage: Time. The Atheism Conspiracy is being perpetrated by the ranks of the unemployed or underemployed, and that gives them time to conspire, collaborate, and cook up falsehoods. They can Digg and they can Blog. They can wikify and they can comment. They stick together. They are organized.

Let me tell you this: Organized Religion is the biggest threat to American Freedom in existence today. Atheism is the King Pin of Organized Religion. Satan has been practicing his "If you can't beat them, join them" strategy since the 1st century. When he infiltrated the Roman Catholic church in the 3rd century, he caused the dark ages that lasted over 1000 years.


Anonymous said...

Did you seriously just call all atheists fat? Are you aware that there is an entire world of people out there, and outside America not many of them seem fat and lazy to me buddy. I'm so glad wasn't brainwashed by closed minded bigots who judge and blame others who have a different belief. Christianity wasn't the first reglion, or the only one. And because some people never felt a "god" or were ever scared or forced into believing some superststions doesn't make them bad people (and CERTAINLY doesn't make the unmotivated losers).. even though your fiction novel says so...

People aren't born Christian or Islam or Jew. They become whatever they are told to become. Atheism is a DEFAULT, it isn't a religion or a "consipiracy". If someone doesn't believe something because decent enough evidence has never been apparant, and the garbage excuses that are given to you are absolutely ridicious, how does that make them a bad person? What if someone was born into a different lifestyle where your belief wasn't the most "popular"?
Are you calling all the Buddists lazy and fat? Buddists can also be considered Atheists, as they don't believe in a God. Your arguement here is shallow and narrow minded.

Anonymous said...

"Calling Atheism a religion is the same as calling not collecting stamps a hobby."

Anonymous said...

Varia, what I had actually said is that is how I used to be! Even so, it was perhaps a bit harsh and I obviously struck a nerve with you. I didn't mean to make you so angry. (please read the WHOLE thing though!! ) Most people would consider launching into a hateful tirade without first gathering ALL available information as an act of close-minded ignorance, FYI.

You're right, I wasn't always a Christian. But I certainly wasn't born believing in Atheism! I learned that in Public Schools and finally converted to the religion when I was in College.

The point you are missing is this: One of us is right. One of us is wrong. There is such a thing as "truth", whether you like it or not, and it won't require much effort to discover it if you choose to seek it out.

There is an enormous amount of "decent enough evidence" supporting Biblical truth, and not once has it been disproven, despite countless attempts to do so.

Anonymous said...

Alright, do you need me to get my bible out and give you direct examples of the many fundamental contradictions? Also, you don't believe in Atheism, you are Atheist if you don't hold a belief in a god, which, yes, you are born to. You are not born believing in a god, yes you are born an Atheist, as you are born a man or woman. You choose to no longer be atheist, you choose to believe in whatever religion.

Hateful tirade? Because I don't hold your belief? Excuse me, but I'm not required to hate people who don't believe the same way as me, as am I not required to stone women who speak in church and stone people who work on the sabbath. Your book teaches this, and you are picking and choosing what to believe from it, and judging others for not sharing the same collection of beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please get out your bible, since you have just proven you have absolutely no idea what it says.

The bible actually teaches the opposite of what you said.

First of all, Jesus loved and forgave the women that everyone else wanted to stone to death. Women held many positions of leadership as documented repeatedly in the bible. Wherever the gospel is preached, women are set free from chronic societal mistreatment (study history to verify this fact, study the bible to find how much God loves women).

It's not your fault you bought into this propaganda, as it is very commonly used. However, you should know, it has no factual basis and by repeating it you are only spreading lies.

Secondly, your comment about the Sabbath is the same trap the hypocritical Pharisee's used against Jesus. But he exposed their hypocrisy as well and made them eat their words. It's actually a good story if you'd like me to share it with you!

And again, your attempts to twist words can never be successful for you... why do it? It's all right there for everyone to plainly see. The "hateful tirade" is actually a reference to your attack on *ME* which you have relentlessly been pursuing simply because I DON'T BELIEVE THE SAME WAY AS YOU, is it not?

Look, why don't you just admit that the reason you're here is NOT because you're an Atheist... It's NOT because you don't believe in God... it's because YOU ARE MAD AT GOD! So you think that by attacking me you are getting some sort of justice.

Listen, whatever happened to you, it was not God's fault. There is an Enemy who works full time to kill, steal, and destroy people's lives, and then he tries to get people to blame God for it. You are not alone. This happens to every one of us.

It's not worth it for you to live the rest of your life as a bitter, angry person when you can live a life of love, peace and joy.

If you can relax for a minute and ask yourself, honestly, if that seems true to you, in your own heart, then you'll have taken you're first step towards a new life filled with hope.

God is real. He really exists, and if you ask Him to, he will reveal himself to you. Take one step towards God, and He will take 99 steps towards you.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you throw all logic into faith, I can never prove you otherwise. I only understand logic, I don't believe in a God, I never have since I was a child, it's never been a thought. I never believed in "The Easter Bunny" or "Santa" either.

Your statement at me being "Mad at God" is unfortunately completely ridiculous as I can't be mad at something I don't perceive as real. That is you drawing conclusions without any evidence, again.

Isn't the original post here a hateful tirade towards Atheists? I know, there are as many crazy extremist Atheists as there are Christians or Muslisms, but I really didn't agree with your generalization, as I already said. I don't believe in organized religion, and I just don't plain believe in a god, and never have... I don't have a problem with "god" as the thought of a "god" exisiting doesn't ever enter my mind, and that's how I was born. I do not believe in superstitions, I do believe in freedom of rights for all humans. I can't fathom believing in something like this and being so sure I was right, without any reproducable evidence... or anything that is logical. But that is just how I think, and I suppose you can't fathom what it is like to not believe in a god.

The only difference is, (depending on how extreme you follow your religion, I am considered a heathen and a bad person that should die and go to "hell", just because I believe in free thought.

I'm not spreading hate neither do I look down or judge Christians or any other religion, however, I do get offended when make generalizations such as you made.

And again, excuse me, I have no idea what the bible says? Taken literally, it is pretty harsh. You can take it however different ways you like, as so many do, you can't tell me one way is right and one is wrong.

Okay, and on how I obviously know nothing, then please explain to me, what where Jesus' last words?

Matt.27:46,50: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost."

Luke23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

John19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."

...I'm a logical person, when I see stuff like this, along with the whole concept of "god" I don't give it a second look. I don't mean to offend you, but these are my beliefs.

Anonymous said...

I just want to mention, I live a happy life, I'm not religious, but I've only been with one girl (and I am in no means undesirable) for 5 years, and we are both extremely happy. I'm doing what I want in life, there are many people who care for me and I care and love them too. I'm not angry or bitter, I just don't believe in a god, that is all. How can you generalize that I'm an angry bitter person when I just defended my own beliefs?

Anonymous said...

To me, it illogical to believe that we just exist for no reason, or that it was a random coincidence. Have you seen the math involved? The chances for life to evolve randomly are about the same as the chances for a tornado to pass through a junk yard and "randomly" assemble a fully fueled Boeing 747 with the engines running!

I too am a logical person. To me, it is logical to believe in God, who has given me irrefutable "evidence" of not only His miraculous power, but also of His certain existence. I would be a fool, given the facts that I have, to not believe. But that's me.

I can fathom what it's like to NOT believe in God because as I said, I once was an atheist who believed that the bible was a man-made book to try to control people. But you know, it did not satisfy me. It didn't make sense. Life has too many questions and humans are just too inquisitive about things like math and celestial origins.

But then something happened, I actually opened my bible and read it! With an open mind, because if I was going to place my faith in something, I had to make darn sure it wasn't just a load of crap. Well, as you have probably deduced, I discovered that not only did it make sense - it was extraordinarily beautiful.

What were Jesus' last words? I don't know, I wasn't there. I believe they were "It is finished." But if you ask 4 different people to repeat their eyewitness accounts of the same conversation, you'd get 4 different versions, each one with it's own perspective. The closer one could hear more.

The important thing is that Jesus died, went to hell, freed those who were there, took the keys, and came back to life! It doesn't matter if you find contradictions - the Bible is Alive, and it will mean different things to a person at different times, depending on what kind of dynamic message they need at the time.

Consider this: Proverbs 26:4-5
Two verses from the bible, back to back, that contradict each other.

4) When arguing with fools, don't answer their foolish arguments, or you will become as foolish as they are.

5)When arguing with fools, be sure to answer their foolish arguments, or they will become wise in their own estimation.

One is telling you not to argue with fools, the other one says be sure to! Which one do we follow? Simple, follow both of them. They are both true.

Anonymous said...

@guess who

I am not judging you for sins. I am a human being who is flawed in every way. The bible says we all fall short of the Glory of God. All of us. God gives us commandments and he gave us marriage not because he's some control freak and we're to be His puppets... but because He cares about our lives and knows the best ways for us to live. Following God's ways leads to greater prosperity and less of life's problems... it's a simple as that.

Anonymous said...

I don't need as much faith to believe that in billions of years that a tornado could do that. Maybe the odds are low, but considering the sheer size of the universe and the amount time, it really doesn't seem that unreasonable to me.

I do have an honest question, what's your take on dinosaurs? What about before dinosaurs? Fossils found from dinosaurs date them to be about 60 million years ago, yet some of the oldest rocks that have been found are over 4 billion years old. In this amount of time, we really aren't that significant, and it really makes a lot more sense to me than believing one of hundreds of competeing groups of beliefs, ranging in coherency, and pit myself against all the others.

Really, what makes the bible a farce to me is: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;", as humans have been proven to not be the first lifeform on this planet, and very, VERY far from it.

This is how I see things, this is my take. I made my opinion on the facts I have been presented and on everything science has brought us. If someone commits a crime, they are to blame, not Satan.

I would rather not know something, than believe something that can't ever possibly be proven, you know? There will be a day when we finally know all the facts, just because we don't know it now is no reason to have to rely on superstition, and I'm waiting for that day.

I am honestly interested in your opinions here.

Anonymous said...

Out of the two of us, I'd say you have more faith, if you believe that a tornado can pass through a junk yard and assemble a 747 out of the spare parts. But even that analogy is insufficient, because life, as wonderfully complex as it is, has the ability to reproduce itself. So the tornado would have to assemble a 747 airplane, with fuel, (combusting), that can reproduce itself; and it's offspring would inherently have the exact blueprints necessary that enable it to reproduce itself again... In short, the tornado would have to assemble The Boeing Company - out of spare parts.


Dinosaurs? Actually that ties into your other question: Made in God's image.

First of all, the Bible never says we were made first, it says we made on the sixth day, after God first created earth, then plants, then fish, then birds and then finally land animals on days 1 through 5.

We are created as three part beings, just like God, with a mind, a body, and a spirit. God has three parts to His being: Conscious Mind (The Father), Physical Body (The Son), and The Holy Spirit.

God is a creative being with a wide range of complex emotions. Humans are also creative beings with a similar range of emotions.

God Loves Us. We Love God.

So why did God make dinosaurs? Well, wouldn't you if you were God? As a child, you probably loved playing with dinosaurs, as most children do. God, with His similar range of emotions that our are patterned after, had his toys as well. Plus, they make for some nice oil, which, "coincidentally" has become rather important for the apes and monkeys, no wait, I meant the humans!

I have no problem with dinosaurs. I have no problem with science. I do, however, have a problem with junk science that does not follow the Scientific Method. I don't believe the Earth is billions of years old, when most of the empirical evidence actually suggests that it is not that old.

You are basing your dating timeline off the carbon-14 method, which as shocking as it may be to find this out, it was for me at least, cannot ever be proven and is likely incorrect. Huge, gigantic leaps are "assumed" in order to fill the gaps in the math.

90% of all scientific dating methods out there date the Earth at around 6,000 - 10,000 years old. Only 10% of methods date the earth as much, much older, but unfortunately, those require the same "faith" in order to believe simply because they are based on massive assumptions. Such as, the assumption that the rate of decay is a constant. Or the assumption that the amount of c14 in the atmosphere today is the same amount that was in the atmosphere during the time of the dinosaurs. These things are unknown, and for the foreseeable future, unknowable. How convenient for Tuition Salesmen is that? Very.

The problem with facts: They always change. It's better to base your beliefs on Truth.

If you talk about believing in "something that can't ever possibly be proven" as a qualifier that that "something" is a religion, then Atheism based on Evolution is the most prolific, aggressively marketed religions on the planet.

The faith required to believe the things being taught as "fact" in Universities around the world in order to sustain the "theory" of evolution makes it the most organized religion in the world.

Anonymous said...

Carbon-14 is only used to measure things less than 50-60k years. So how could it claim anything was billions of years old?

You are blinded by your faith.

Anonymous said...

Evolution a religion? What kind of uninformed comment is that?! Evolution HAS been proven. Take it from a Microbiologist. The basis of science versus religion can be simplified this way. Science conjures up a hypothesis and actually tries to prove it WRONG. When the theory stands the test of rigorous experimentation is it then considered fact. Religion creates a theory and looks for all the supporting evidence while ignoring anything that contradicts it.

I am an atheist and the single most influential thing that made me stop believing in God was the Bible itself. I was once a catholic, went to church, bible studies. But different to most, I actually READ the book. Most of who I know practice the Christian religion have actually NEVER read the Bible.
I speak not of mere contradictions, but of straightforward and undeniable fact.

God (specifically according to the Christian Bible) was both good and evil depending on how it was most convenient. Even the story of Moses... killing the first-born of Egypt!? God and Moses are baby-killers! There is no justification for such a violent act against innocent children. Why not kill the soldiers? But yet, this is only one of the many reasons I left the Christian religion. If you really need me to provide specific examples of the Bible to prove I have actually read it, you may do so. I can go on and on and on and on.

I do volunteer work and community service, I'm a vegan, I'm studying to become a medical doctor, I work out regularly, I don't smoke, I don't get drunk, I don't do drugs, I have a loving family, I get good grades, I don't play video-games, I've traveled to third-world countries and strive to go back and help after I get my degree.
I am the opposite of what you believe atheist to be. I am not an exception, rather I am closer to the norm. Most of the people who I know that are atheist have a similar lifestyle. What brings us together is not are disbelief in God, but our motivation to better ourselves, those around us, and maybe the world a little bit.
I have nothing against those who believe in God, I only ask that they abide by the same laws as everybody else in a neutral government, so we can all co-exist, live and be happy together.
Furthermore, ponder this quote:
"I may not believe in what say, but I will defend your right to say it."

NotSoBlind said...

Hi, these are some great questions you've raised, Alejandro.

Again, like Varia did, you've twisted the words a bit. Let me help you...

Alejandro said...
Evolution a religion? What kind of uninformed comment is that?!

No. What I actually said was that "Atheism" is a religion, which is not quite the same thing as "Evolution". Evolution is not a religion. So to answer your question as to "what kind of uninformed comment is that?", well, it's the kind of comment made by one who fails to comprehend what is being read, yet chooses to react anyway.

It's almost hilarious that you think "evolution HAS been proven", Alejandro. At the same time, it's kind of sad.

Make no mistake, the *THEORY* of evolution has *NOT* been proven. If you have proof, please do not delay in ushering it to the scientific community, as they are eagerly awaiting this EARTH SHATTERING DISCOVERY you have made!

Now, I agree with you that many Catholics don't read their bibles, but they're not really the same as CHRISTIANS... it's like Catholicism it's own religion, they have a different version of the Bible, but it's similar to Christianity.

That's beside the point...

I don't disrespect Atheists. As I said, I used to be one!

However, one day I sobered up and decided to find out the Truth for myself. "If you seek, you shall find..." is what the Bible says, and it so very true.

God is Just. God is perfect, and therefore He cannot allow injustice. Justice requires that crime deserves punishment, sometimes death IS a justifiable penalty.

For every act of Justice you'll find recorded in the Bible, you'll find that many more acts of Mercy and Forgiveness as well.

You think what God did to the Egyptians was harsh? Look what He allowed to happen to His own SON, JESUS CHRIST.

God loves you so much that He sacrificed his own son, by the worst death penalty imaginable (nailed to a cross), after a corrupt court of men found him guilty when He did nothing more than heal people from diseases and preach a message of community love.

The bible is full of account after detailed account of human failings and weaknesses. You are right about that. Even the "heroes" of the bible were greatly flawed. But that's the point. These people aren't our role models. We're supposed to recognize God's love, forgiveness and grace in light of our mistakes. From the very onset of Project Humanity, our species was flawed and spiritually diseased (via sin).

God didn't make us to be perfect. He made us incomplete and fragile, because we NEED him, as a vital part of us, to be whole.

Religion has evolved with us every step of the way. What does that tell you about natural selection?
Humans are not a part of the natural balance of earth... we can only upset it because we're not a part of it.

The description of the typical atheist I gave was about... ME. (Go back and re-read it).

Just because you're an atheist doesn't mean you're stupid. Of course you can make sensible, healthy choices. That's great! But that doesn't mean you're living on purpose, according to the Destiny for which you were born to fulfill.

I'm sure you believe a lie or two that you've been told, and that's the whole point.

Anonymous said...

Click on the link to read a nice, short, informative article on scientific proof of evolution. Keep up with the times my friend, keep up with the times. Evolution is a concept that applies to living things. As such, the exact way each and every organism has specifically evolved is not the point. Richard Lenski has showed reproducible proof of such concept. An experiment that has been going on since 1988. Further reading into the beginnings of the "first cell" can be found by reading up on the scientific papers by Carl Woese.

"For every act of Justice you'll find recorded in the Bible, you'll find that many more acts of Mercy and Forgiveness as well."
The flaw in the statements is an apparent indirect justification of what you call "Justice". A man who stole $100 from an old lady and then gives $200 to charity is still a thief. A man who murders hundreds of children (referring to the sole example of Moses in the land of Egypt) and then "sacrifices" his only child, is still a murderer.

This moral dilemma is what makes me doubt the existence of God altogether. He loves us, but he "kills my kid". I'm pretty sure the Egyptian mother with a dead baby was not in the least bit inclined to think God is an all-loving being. But because we are lead to believe they are the enemy, then we care not of their suffering and call it "justice". No criminal deserves their child to be murdered. The child is NOT the criminal.

-"Religion has evolved with us every step of the way. What does that tell you about natural selection?
Humans are not a part of the natural balance of earth... we can only upset it because we're not a part of it. "

I doubt not the great influence that religion has caused on humanity. But if humanity then shift towards atheism, would that not be part of natural selection as well? About humans not being part of the natural balance of earth I must disagree. We are as fundamentally part of nature as anything else on the planet. Ask you this: Why are we NOT part of the natural balance of earth? Other than simply saying God mysteriously made us that way.

-"The description of the typical atheist I gave was about... ME. (Go back and re-read it)."
Thus your comment yet again contradicts itself. "The typical atheist". You generalize the typical atheist in your own image (Go back and re-read it). In your original post, the word "THEY" comes up quite a bit. The word "they" is by no means the same as "I" or "ME". Your intentions might have been to solely speak of yourself, but your poor wording included anybody in the so called "Atheist Conspiracy".

As to believing in a lie or two.. OF COURSE I HAVE. And I would bet that you have too. My mom used to tell me about Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
But lies is not the same as misinformation. In my eyes, when you speak of God, I do not hear lies, I hear the result of misinformation.

-"Atheism is the King Pin of Organized Religion."
-"Atheism based on Evolution is the most prolific, aggressively marketed religions on the planet."
These are your own words.
Atheism based on evolution (now that its HAS been proven) is not a religion. It's like saying "invisible is a color". The word "Atheism" is easily misinterpreted and a poorly thought out word in its inception. It etymologically includes the parts "A" (def. without) and "theism" (def. belief in a higher being). It makes the indirect acknowledgment of belief in God and then contradicts it. It would be like saying one is "Asick" (not sick), "Arepublican" (not republican), or "Astupid" (not stupid). This absurd wording implies that the words must lean on the definition of another word as a type of crutch to convey its meaning.

An by the way, religion is a belief and/or devotion in a spiritual being or beings. Just in case we are speaking the same English here. I don't "believe" God doesn't exist, I KNOW he doesn't... as much as I know there are no invisible pink unicorn in my closet. The burden of proof is on a theist shoulders, not the other way around.