Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why are people gay?

If homosexuality is a sin (i.e. an intentional, moral deviation from God's ways), why do people become gay? Many "gay" people claim that they did not choose to become gay. However, there are plenty that do acknowledge that they did choose to be gay.

There are several reasons:
Confusion. This is the fastest growing reason for becoming gay, due mostly to societal influence and the homosexual agenda. The truth us, EVERYONE has homosexual thoughts, however, NOBODY is born thinking these thoughts. Indeed, most of us experience it pretty early in life. Now, there may be just as few "straight" people who will admit that they've had homosexual thoughts before as there are "gay" people who admit that they chose to be gay. However, it is what it is. You can either conclude that because of this, ALL people are born gay. Or you can conclude that NOBODY is born gay. Either way, the confusion factor comes into play when young people have these thoughts and immediately tell themselves: "Gasp! I'm gay!" and begin to affirm that as their identity.

Most people, when they think of perverted things, such as having sex with a family member, or having sex with an animal, or having sex with a small child, these thoughts are repulsive, vile and disgusting. Yet, for some reason, in a few people these thoughts are not rejected, they are focused upon and meditated upon, becoming an obsession until the thoughts are manifested out in the form of behavior.

The same thing occurs with the perversion of homosexuality. For most people, they have been instructed by their parents that all sexual sin, including homosexual sin, is immoral, and therefor should be avoided altogether. Thus, when these homosexual thoughts come, they are quickly rejected. However, that is occurring less and less these days, because people, not having a solid foundation with their parents (specifically their fathers, and especially their Heavenly Father), are simultaneously being taught that "It's natural, it's OK..." and so instead of rejecting these perversions, they embrace them. For many, their decision to bond their homosexual thoughts to their identity is then (often times) rewarded (via extra attention they'll receive when they "come out") and thus, psychologically, they have "learned" that being "gay" is good, it works for them.

Abuse. I believe that the number one reason for homosexuality stems from sexual abuse. In boys, if they are abused as children, (as many, many studies have shown) they are likely to abuse others in the same way. This patten of perverted dysfunction bleeds out into other areas of life such as intimate relationships. Many people don't have a positive model for successful relationships, and therefore only KNOW HOW to relate to others in a dysfunctional manner.

Addiction. As far as I know, this is a less researched reason, but I mention it more so because of my personal experience. Every "gay" person I've ever known has been addicted to both drugs and alcohol. I believe this is the catalyst that numbs their inhibitions to the point where they can ignore their consciences' and reasonings. The decision to transition from 'homosexual thoughts' into 'homosexual behavior' causes tremendous inner turmoil. By numbing the senses with drugs and alcohol, the perversions are often manifested and, sobriety becomes a bitter, painful experience.

Is there a cure for gayness?
Yes, a very simple one. Keep your pants on.